It was an ordinary working day for the one time famous Tamil film director SHARMA up to the moment when the Tiger Dancer KADER appears in his office to ask for an acting chance. Due to his arrogance toward Kader he misses his opportunity to discover a real talent. Instead of a bright comeback Sharma must fear continues to be stocked in his passivity.
Slovakia / India / Austia 2014, 16 min
Director: Martin Repka
Writer: Martin Repka
Cast: Nassar, Palani, Arunmuzhi Siva, and others
Production: PubRes, Mozhi Films, AMOUR FOU
Funded by: Audio Visual Fund
It has been a wonderful experience to shoot this film with my Tamil friends in the heart of TOLLYWOOD Chennai. Thx Ashoka Mitran for your great short story “Tiger Artist” which inspired me to make this short.